Monday, February 7, 2011


I'm really annoyed.  Even though we practically got a six-day weekend from the ice days we had last week, which was great, don't get me wrong, but I think there are a lot of issues that Wittenberg--I mean Shittenberg failed to address and I'm pissed.  I really don't understand why there was no "progress" on the snow/ice removal until the third day we had off...and why the efforts were so lame.  If Shittenberg was worried about our "safety," then you would think that our ground staff would be working feverishly to remove the ice from the sidewalks and streets, yet I did not see one glimpse of an attempt until the third day and even then the progress was minimal.  To be honest, if they were legitimately trying to fix the problem, we would probably been able to have classes the third day, or maybe even the second.  So where does the money go that every student has already paid for those 36-50 credit hour days?  Obviously we don't get that back.  Maybe Shittenberg could have reached into their pockets to do something about that instead of doing NOTHING.  It was still quite dangerous to be walking outside on Friday.  The neighborhoods off campus had absolutely no change.  Great, you sprinkled a little salt on the sidewalks but didn't bother to shovel it up afterwards so it just re-froze.  Great.  We should have just forced the new pledges from each sorority and fraternity to go out there with shovels, they would have done a better job (just kidding...kinda).  I understand that it is a liability to have students, faculty, and professors to be walking outside when it is dangerous, but is that all that Shittenberg cares about?  Potential lawsuits or grievances from angry parents?  That's what it seems like anyway.  But they should be scared because they did a sub-par job and a lot of people were injured from their lack of effort to plow/remove ice.  And now since we missed so much class, most professors will probably conveniently load the work on at the end of the semester.  Great. Perfect timing. Can't wait!!!!!!!!  Thanks Shittenberg, you're the best.

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