Monday, February 7, 2011


So I know that all I've been doing is complaining in most of my blogs which is probably annoying, but its actually nice to get all of this out.  So here I go.  I can't stand when people are constantly on their blackberry, iphone, smart phone, whatever.  It's so ridiculous when I can't even have a conversation with one of my friends or even my own mother because they are too damn busy checking their email or updating their facebook status every two seconds.  Can people really not wait until they get home or can get to a computer within an hour to do all of the above?  I can understand it if someone has class for four hours straight and are expecting an email from a professor or coach, that's understandable.  But do you have to do it in class or while you're in mid conversation, or at the dinner table? It's so rude!  When I'm talking to someone and they have to ask me what I just said five times within a minute, it's just a little annoying.  Some crackberry users literally can't handle being away from their phone for any amount of time.  Really?  This sounds exactly like a drug addiction...that's sad.  My favorite is when I can't even go for a five minute drive with my Mom in the car without her A. making a phone call B. feverishly checking or email or C. even looking at the damn thing.  She literally freaks out if she can't find it in her black hole of a starts cursing and yelling at the bag like it has taken her phone and hid it on purpose.  Sometimes in pubic.  It's embarrassing.  So my advise to smart phone users: save your parents some money and get off your damn data plan, you don't pay for your nasty habit so why make your parents the enablers because they pay for it.  Save your friends some frustration and actually listen to them while they are talking to you.  Get off facebook.  You are probably on it enough when you go on your lap top.  Your stupid student activities emails can wait, its not like you read them anyway, you just delete them.  And we all know your other emails are not so important that you cant wait an eight minute walk from Hollenbeck to your house to read them.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely. I don't have Facebook because I see how it messes with people, I don't have a smartphone either. I've been on dates with my boyfriend who is playing skyburger on his iphone instead of talking to me....I have a HUGE problem with that. (By the way you have a typo--you said pubic instead of public...just fyi!!)
