Friday, April 8, 2011


I just wanted to write about how much I love twitter.  I've only had it for a few days, but it has no been added to my list of websites that I check every time I get on the computer (facebook, email, and yahoo news).  It not only is fun to follow your friends, who meaninglessly update what they are doing every few minutes, but following celebrities and news sources is a lot of fun too, and can be educational.  While following your favorite celebrities is not, you still get the entertainment factor.  Right now, I'm following Rain Wilson from the Office, Daniel Tosh, Will Ferrell, Snooki, and Stephen Colbert to name a few, and they are hilarious.  It's really nice to get on Twitter and have a little laugh about what these characters say to brighten your day.  On the other hand, I'm following Speaker of the House, John Boener, which is very informative because I now know a lot of what is going on the the passage of certain bills and the government lock out.   I also plan to follow some news sources so that I can get up-to-date news at any time.  It is very convenient for that.  In addition, its fun.  And it allows you to stop updating your statuses on Facebook, which is something that drives me nuts.  Some people treat Facebook like it is a Twitter which is really annoying.  But that is exactly what Twitter is for, to be annoying and post what you are doing every two seconds.  I would not say that Facebook should be used in the same way.  SO if you are one of those annoying people on Facebook that blows up everyone's news feeds with your meaningless shit, I would advise you to get a Twitter, it is much better for that!

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