Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Health Center Sucks

Today when I woke up, I immediately knew that I have a sinus infection.  After thinking about how much it sucks I knew that I needed to do something about it.  I didn't even think twice before I decided to go to an urgent care facility instead of the health center.  I think I've been to the health center twice this year and luckily, both times I was actually able to get a prescription which is practically unheard of.  However, the catch was that I exaggerated the severity of my symptoms and the duration of my illness...that is literally the only way they were prescribe you antibiotics right away.  I learned this because in previous years, I would go in with the same illness/symptoms (usually a sinus infection because I get them three times a year like its clockwork) but say that they just started and they would tell me to wait it out, claiming that "doctors now-a-days say to let your illness drag out and you can usually get better on your own."  Yeah....that is complete bullshit.  Since when has any credible doctor advised someone to let an infection drag on?  That would be never.  And almost all they give you in the time being is a brown paper bag with salt packets and Advil..yeah that's going to do something. Not.  In addition, its almost impossible to see the doctor during the week because she is completely booked and only she can write a prescription.  My favorite part is when they tell you to take Musinex D for every illness you come in with.  Today, when I was at Urgent Care, my doctor told me under no circumstances to take Musinex because it would dry my sinuses out and make me feel worse.  What sound advice the health center nurses have.  Anyway, I was in and out of there in less than an hour which is about the same time it would take if you already had an appointment at the doctor with the health center.  The copay was $35 but that also covered my prescription, a free refill, and some nasal spray.  Definitely worth it.  Plus, depending on your insurance, it could probably cost even less.  Needless to say, my advice for students who know that they are really sick and need antibiotics, go to an urgent care instead of the health center.  You will be helped faster, get better advice, and get everything you need rather than waste your time waiting around for someone that will not help you.

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