Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Semester Story

For my semester story, I'm building off of the first story that I wrote about the success of certain majors at Wittenberg.  Depending on the feedback that I get back from the career center, I will either wrtie just about the success of communication majors or I will focus on 1 or 2 other majors and interview more students that recently graduated.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring break in Springtucky :(

Unfortunately, this year my spring break plans pretty much suck.  I start an LSAT prep course next Tuesday, and have it every Tuesday and Thursday night until the end of April.  And of course, the class does not observe Wittenberg's spring break, so I will be stuck in Springfield, on a deserted campus.  So basically I will be completely alone because there is no one that I know that is actually staying here, or would want to.  Grass is greener on the other side though, I am able to go home for a long weekend the first week of March.  Although I may have to skip my Friday classes (sorry Mac!) so that I can make the 6ish hour drive home to Buffalo before it gets too dark, or the weather gets bad, I will get to see my lovely family and surprise my Dad on his birthday :) So if you know anyone that is staying in Springfield, please let me know...I would enjoy the company!  And against my Grandma's best advice, I will definitely be buying a tanning package so that I don't look like a ghost compared to everyone that comes back from their tropical vacations. Yay Springfield.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wasted Resources

Just two hours ago I had my first appointment at the OCC since I've been at Witt.  It was surprisingly helpful and now I'm extremely pissed at myself that I had never gone there in the past to get help for my presentations.  In general, I don't think students use the academic resources that we have at Witt enough....that we already pay for with our tuition. There is the OCC, writing center, FLLC, career center, and student tutors from each department. This year, I also went to the writing center for the first time, and have only gone to the FLLC because it was mandatory for a class, and to the math workshop because I was really struggling with Pre-Calc.  Had I not had to go to the writing center, OCC, and FLLC for a class requirement, I probably never would have went.  But they really are good resources.  I was  a bit skeptical because most of the time, you encounter student workers that help you and it is kind of hard to trust them (especially for me because I hate working in groups!) but they do really know their stuff most of the time.  So a word of advice to everyone-- use these resources when you can because they do actually help and we won't have them in the real world.  Just a suggestion.

Monday, February 7, 2011


So I know that all I've been doing is complaining in most of my blogs which is probably annoying, but its actually nice to get all of this out.  So here I go.  I can't stand when people are constantly on their blackberry, iphone, smart phone, whatever.  It's so ridiculous when I can't even have a conversation with one of my friends or even my own mother because they are too damn busy checking their email or updating their facebook status every two seconds.  Can people really not wait until they get home or can get to a computer within an hour to do all of the above?  I can understand it if someone has class for four hours straight and are expecting an email from a professor or coach, that's understandable.  But do you have to do it in class or while you're in mid conversation, or at the dinner table? It's so rude!  When I'm talking to someone and they have to ask me what I just said five times within a minute, it's just a little annoying.  Some crackberry users literally can't handle being away from their phone for any amount of time.  Really?  This sounds exactly like a drug addiction...that's sad.  My favorite is when I can't even go for a five minute drive with my Mom in the car without her A. making a phone call B. feverishly checking or email or C. even looking at the damn thing.  She literally freaks out if she can't find it in her black hole of a starts cursing and yelling at the bag like it has taken her phone and hid it on purpose.  Sometimes in pubic.  It's embarrassing.  So my advise to smart phone users: save your parents some money and get off your damn data plan, you don't pay for your nasty habit so why make your parents the enablers because they pay for it.  Save your friends some frustration and actually listen to them while they are talking to you.  Get off facebook.  You are probably on it enough when you go on your lap top.  Your stupid student activities emails can wait, its not like you read them anyway, you just delete them.  And we all know your other emails are not so important that you cant wait an eight minute walk from Hollenbeck to your house to read them.

Superbowl Review

I just wanted to throw my two-cents in about the Superbowl.  And to be honest, I thought it was pretty shitty this year.  Sure the game was entertaining...for about the first quarter.  One interception...within the last couple minutes? Seriously, that's it?  Two fumbles, four sacks? Boring, if you ask me.  And the rest of the entertainment wasn't much better.  Why did we pay Christina Aguilera probably hundreds of thousands of dollars to F*** up the lyrics of the national anthem?  Or the Blacked Eyed Peas for a horrible performance?  Fergie sounded like a dying animal.  Her credibility definitely sunk, it must all be in the recording studio.  I guess shes putting her money in the right place to make sure she sounds like she's actually good and sounds nothing like her true abilities.  I did think the people in the lighted suits were great, that was a really cool touch to the show, but that was about it.  Even the commercials suffer, which are usually the best part. There were only a handful of funny ones, mainly Bud Light, Go Daddy, and Doritos, but even those got repetitive.  It was the same handful of companies that had a majority of air time.  Pretty lame if you ask me.  Maybe I'm just in a cynical mood this week, who knows.  So I'm curious, what are your thoughts?


I'm really annoyed.  Even though we practically got a six-day weekend from the ice days we had last week, which was great, don't get me wrong, but I think there are a lot of issues that Wittenberg--I mean Shittenberg failed to address and I'm pissed.  I really don't understand why there was no "progress" on the snow/ice removal until the third day we had off...and why the efforts were so lame.  If Shittenberg was worried about our "safety," then you would think that our ground staff would be working feverishly to remove the ice from the sidewalks and streets, yet I did not see one glimpse of an attempt until the third day and even then the progress was minimal.  To be honest, if they were legitimately trying to fix the problem, we would probably been able to have classes the third day, or maybe even the second.  So where does the money go that every student has already paid for those 36-50 credit hour days?  Obviously we don't get that back.  Maybe Shittenberg could have reached into their pockets to do something about that instead of doing NOTHING.  It was still quite dangerous to be walking outside on Friday.  The neighborhoods off campus had absolutely no change.  Great, you sprinkled a little salt on the sidewalks but didn't bother to shovel it up afterwards so it just re-froze.  Great.  We should have just forced the new pledges from each sorority and fraternity to go out there with shovels, they would have done a better job (just kidding...kinda).  I understand that it is a liability to have students, faculty, and professors to be walking outside when it is dangerous, but is that all that Shittenberg cares about?  Potential lawsuits or grievances from angry parents?  That's what it seems like anyway.  But they should be scared because they did a sub-par job and a lot of people were injured from their lack of effort to plow/remove ice.  And now since we missed so much class, most professors will probably conveniently load the work on at the end of the semester.  Great. Perfect timing. Can't wait!!!!!!!!  Thanks Shittenberg, you're the best.