Friday, March 18, 2011

The Negative Side

I guess I would have to say that one of the most negative aspects about Witt is how much it has changed.  Both of my parents went to Witt so needless to say, I've heard countless stories about their endeavors. But I've noticed that Witt has just gotten more tame over the years.  We no longer get out of classes early on W day, and there are definitely no longer free kegs in the hollow, anxiously awaiting students' arrival.  The music starts at 4:00 and there is a small square of grass reserved for an obnoxiously overpriced beer garden.  The most rowdy people on homecoming are the alumni, and I'm not talking about the recently graduated, I mean the over 50 crowd, including my parents.  My Sophomore year, a bunch of my Dad's frat brothers came to Witt for homecoming, and initiated me into their "151 Club."  Essentially, they went to every football game with a can of Coke filled with 151 proof rum, and only a splash of Coke and would get completely inebriated.  Sounds pretty fun if you ask me.  And of course they made me drink some and I was soon feeling the effects of what they felt years ago.  I loved it, I think those are some of the greatest traditions.  Now, barely anyone goes to the football games regularly, and its a stretch to see a lot of people out during the week, and even on Fridays.  If anyone else is disappointed in this, I think we should step it up and get people back out.  I'm so sick of the excuse that people have too much work.  We all have too much work.  But if we can get it done during the week so we don't have much to do on the weekends, then why not take advantage of our free time?  We only have 4 years at college, and most of us only do it once.  So why take things so damn seriously?  Is your employer really going to care that you had a 4.0 but did nothing with your time? NO. They will think that your a LOSER.  They want people that are well rounded, did well in school, but can still balance other things.  I think we can spare a couple of tenths on our GPA.  Would you rather get a 3.4 and have fun, or a 4.0 and be miserable?  That's what I thought.  And I know its hard to believe, but some people can actually do both.  Stop taking college so seriously and have some damn fun.  Anyone with me?

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