Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break

This is a little delayed, but I guess I could talk about what I did on spring break here in the lovely Springfield Ohio.  I left to go home to buffalo the Friday before spring break and spent the long weekend at home by hanging out with my family and friends.  My parents and I went to a movie (I can't remember what is was but I know it was good) and one night I ventured downtown for one of my good friends' 21st birthday.  Unfortunately, the weekend was up before I knew it and I had to head back to school on Tuesday in time to make my LSAT class in Dayton.  One of my friends needed a ride back to Ohio State so luckily, I was able to have company for five out of the six hours I was driving.  I got back home to my boyfriends house that I stayed at the rest of break, in time to make dinner and then hit the road again :( needless to say, it was a long day.  On Wednesday I mostly cleaned up the house until I had to work for my soccer coach in the evening.  On both Wednesday and Friday, I helped him train younger club teams from the Springfield area.  It was a lot of fun, I loved interacting with the little kids and it was so funny to see them play.  Sometimes I wish I was still that age.  Friday was also and interesting day though, as I got a flat tire on the way to "fake and bake" so I wouldn't look so pale compared to everyone that was coming back from their spring break trips to Florida and beyond.  I guess people just leave metal rods in the middle of the road :(  So I had to call AAA to put my spare tire on, and all was well from there.  However, when I was leaving to work for my coach again early Saturday morning, my spare got a flat as well.  Really unfortunate and unlucky, but I'm definitely the one to blame...when I pulled the metal rod out of my tire the first time, I accidentally left it on the road....and then ran over it again...Blonde moment I guess, but I did have a good laugh.  But at 7am I had to drive to a place next to Station that fixes tires...and then I had to walk to the HPER from there.  Not fun.  Regardless, people started coming to Witt so we decided to go out, despite my resiliency at first since I knew I had work at 7am again on Sunday.  Long story short, and a few Jim Beam and Cokes later, I was pretty blacked out.  I ended up crashing on a friends couch, and not waking up to my alarm at 6am because my phone was in pieces scattered throughout the room.  Plus, the clocks turned forward so I ended up being two hours late for work...still drunk...

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Negative Side

I guess I would have to say that one of the most negative aspects about Witt is how much it has changed.  Both of my parents went to Witt so needless to say, I've heard countless stories about their endeavors. But I've noticed that Witt has just gotten more tame over the years.  We no longer get out of classes early on W day, and there are definitely no longer free kegs in the hollow, anxiously awaiting students' arrival.  The music starts at 4:00 and there is a small square of grass reserved for an obnoxiously overpriced beer garden.  The most rowdy people on homecoming are the alumni, and I'm not talking about the recently graduated, I mean the over 50 crowd, including my parents.  My Sophomore year, a bunch of my Dad's frat brothers came to Witt for homecoming, and initiated me into their "151 Club."  Essentially, they went to every football game with a can of Coke filled with 151 proof rum, and only a splash of Coke and would get completely inebriated.  Sounds pretty fun if you ask me.  And of course they made me drink some and I was soon feeling the effects of what they felt years ago.  I loved it, I think those are some of the greatest traditions.  Now, barely anyone goes to the football games regularly, and its a stretch to see a lot of people out during the week, and even on Fridays.  If anyone else is disappointed in this, I think we should step it up and get people back out.  I'm so sick of the excuse that people have too much work.  We all have too much work.  But if we can get it done during the week so we don't have much to do on the weekends, then why not take advantage of our free time?  We only have 4 years at college, and most of us only do it once.  So why take things so damn seriously?  Is your employer really going to care that you had a 4.0 but did nothing with your time? NO. They will think that your a LOSER.  They want people that are well rounded, did well in school, but can still balance other things.  I think we can spare a couple of tenths on our GPA.  Would you rather get a 3.4 and have fun, or a 4.0 and be miserable?  That's what I thought.  And I know its hard to believe, but some people can actually do both.  Stop taking college so seriously and have some damn fun.  Anyone with me?

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

....About Witt.  It honestly makes me really sad after reading a lot of your blogs where the negatives of Witt either outweighed the positives, or you couldn't think of any positives at all.  I know that I have been frustrated with a lot of different things since I've been here, but at the same time, I don't think I could be any happier.  I love this place.  I think my favorite thing is all of the people that I have made friends with that I never thought I would get the opportunity to meet.  Because people are so involved in Witt, you get to meet so many different groups of people... from different classes, sports teams, Greek life, intramurals, secret societies, student senate, etc. If I didn't play soccer or join my sorority or wasn't involved in other things, I never would have met a lot of amazing people.  And maybe it is because I am from NY that I think people are a lot nicer here for the most part, but I have always felt comfortable in the Witt community and college has been drama free for me.

And I know that everyone complains about certain classes and attendance policies and such, but that is one of the reasons I went to Witt. We are PRIVILEGED to have small classes where we can actually have class discussions and raise our hands without being ignored by our professors.  Our opinions are respected and challenged, as they will be when we all have jobs.  I think that the atmosphere is perfect with that transition, working with small groups of people, giving presentations, speaking our minds.  Yes, at times it absolutely sucks.  Take it from me, I don't like presentations that much, but they have really improved my public speaking skills and are preparing me for the future.  You can't deny that these little things will help you later in life.

I love that everyone still gets as drunk as I did in high school.  I know that sounds ridiculous but I don't think I could ever top some of those nights I had my freshman/sophomore year in high school.  But at Witt, everyone likes to have a good time and will go to extreme lengths to make sure they do.  I rarely have to pay for my own drinks because the party supplies, or the bar goers are generous.  At other schools, you have to pay to get into parties...seriously?  I think the worst I've had to do is get my own alcohol to pregame with or chip in $5 when we have parties with other sports teams or organizations.  Honestly, that's lucky, and not to mention, it saves me from spending all of my money on alcohol.  What could be better than that?

If nothing else, I'm proud so say I go to Witt.  At the end of the day, despite all of the little things that piss me and everyone else off about this campus, I think that the positives overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives.  No, it's not all perfect or glorious, but think about it.  I know that you wouldn't trade your Witt community for anything, despite our imperfections.  We are all here for a reason, and I think everyone truly loves this place, they just have to consider what they would miss if they never went here.