Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Marijuanna: The New Alcohol?

Where do we draw the line on appropriate drug use on campus?  I think that it's a matter of opinion and degree.  I have been to parties where there is the typical "upstairs group" that spends most of their time on the top floor smoking marijuanna and never make it down to the actual party.  On the other hand, I have also been to parties where blunts are continually passed around all night.  It seems like marijuanna is almost treated like alcohol, everyone pools their few dollars together so that there is enough for everyone to achieve their desired results.  I don't think many people have a problem with that either, despite marijuanna's "drug" status.  If people choose to attend parties where marijuanna use is taking place then they probably enjoy it or don't mind when other people are smoking it.  If they don't like that it's being used at the party they are at, they are likely to leave or they just simply decline the blunt when it is passed to them and carry on socializing with other party-goers.  I've never seen anyone forced to smoke or do any other drugs at these parties which is why I don't think marijuanna use is a very big concern at Witt.  And personally, I've only witnessed people doing harder drugs less than a handful of times so it seems that drug use may not very widespread on campus...unless I'm just not attending the right parties.

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