Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Witt cops foes not friends

I heard a story today that really bothered me.  One of my friends had to attend Wittenberg's alcohol class for getting a citation earlier in the semester and was telling me the story of two Witt students that were also there and why they received citations.  Apparently, two students were called early in the morning after Wittfest by the Wittenberg police to clean up their yard because there were beer cans and garbage all over their lawn.  As they were doing what they were told to do, a Wittenberg cop drove by and gave them alcohol citations because the beer they were cleaning up was not empty.  They were given open-container citations for cleaning up.  Seriously?  How can that be fair?  They did exactly what the cops told them to do and they still got in trouble.  Do they want to create a negative relationship with students?  Because it seems like interactions like these have been happening more and more on campus lately.  Its seriously ridiculous that people get in trouble for helping other people out that are sick, for cleaning up other peoples' messes, and for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  This will only deter students from doing the right thing or from helping people when they face adverse situations.  I know that this is not their intention but it will be the consequence if it keeps occurring. It is really disappointing.


This is probably just reiterating what everyone is saying but I think blogging would have been a lot more successful if we had more "required topics" to blog about.  I really liked when we discussed them in class, so even if there were a few that we did on our own it would have been cool to bring up something that someone was talking about and all discuss it.  Even then, we could write reactions to certain topics that would serve as additional blog topics.  I think that blogging was a creative idea but I wonder if there is a way to make it more journalism like.  Maybe even writing a short page or two long story about a certain blog after it was written and interviewing other students to get their reactions.  I don't know, I'm just thinking aloud.